Because our “product” is the newsletter and is delivered on an email marketing platform, please check your spam and junk mail. Certain email clients will categorize this differently. When you find the email, please add [email protected] and [email protected] to your address book.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I update my credit card information?
To update your credit card select “Membership Pages.” Click on “Account Details.” You will see an option to “Update Payment Method.”
How long are the jobs listed in the database?
The jobs in the database are no older than 30 days old. This is to make sure that all opportunities presented to you are fresh and relevant.
I unsubscribed from your emails but I’m still getting billed, what happened?
Unsubscribing from the email is not the same as canceling your membership. Because our “product” is the newsletter and is delivered on an email marketing platform, unsubscribing from the email will only unsubscribe you from receiving it. To cancel your membership, please select “Membership Pages.” Scroll down to “Account Details” where you will have the option to change your credit card or cancel your subscription.
How do I cancel my account?
To cancel your subscription to RemotePRJobs please go to “Membership Dashboard.” In the drop-down, click on “Account Details” where you will have the option to change your credit card or cancel your subscription. Once you cancel, you will no longer receive the weekly email newsletter, but you will have access to the Jobs Database with your login until the end of your billing cycle.