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Thank you for your Job Submission

We’ve successfully received your job submission.

Next steps:

  1. The answers that you provided will be reviewed by our team at RemotePRJobs – we will draft an initial job posting for you
  2. The job posting will be sent back to you for review
  3. Please review and send back no later than Thursday at 12pm ET, so that it can be included on Friday’s list (if not recieved by then, it will go on the following weeks’ list)
  4. Once approved, your job listing will be shared on our weekly email that is sent out to our network of PR professionals (sent out Friday mornings!)
  5. You will be contacted directly by the PR professional – businesses usually get responses within 4-5 hours of the list going out
  6. You will work with the PR professional directly on scope and budget

Feel free to follow up with any questions by replying to this email.

Andrea and the RemotePRJobs team